FUTURES Foundation Hires New Executive Director

Shimene Shepard has been promoted to Executive Director of FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools effective July 1st upon the retirement of Cynthia Perrick Ramirez.
Ms. Shepard of Port Orange has served as FUTURES Foundation’s Take Stock in Children (TSIC) Program Coordinator since September 2016. In that role, she has achieved Luminary and Gold status for the Volusia TSIC program during the past four years. The Luminary Award recognizes the achievement of 100% on all metrics within the statewide TSIC program’s requirements. An undergraduate of the University of Northern Iowa, she received her Juris Doctorate from Florida Coastal School of Law in 2006. Ms. Shepard has received awards for her pro-bono service within our community and is an active member of the Junior League of Daytona Beach since 2010.
Mrs. Ramirez served as the Executive Director for the past eight years and volunteered on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2014. She was Board president in 2005-06.
FUTURES Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1985 to support Volusia County Schools. Its mission is to engage business and civic leaders to promote and achieve educational excellence for Volusia County Public Schools. The Foundation’s 32-member board of directors consists of area business and civic leaders who direct and raise funds to facilitate a variety of programs in the school district. In addition to the Volusia TSIC program which offers scholarships, mentors, and hope to at-risk, low-income high school students, the Foundation funds teacher classroom mini-grants and facilitates a variety of recognition programs for teachers, students, and staff.
For more information about FUTURES Foundation, please visit its website at www.FuturesVolusia.org or contact Ms. Shepard at (386) 255-6475, ext. 50724, sashepa1@volusia.K12.FL.US.
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