Daytona Beach – Take Stock in Children (TSIC), a statewide scholarship and mentoring program facilitated locally through FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools, hosted its annual New Student Induction and Senior Recognition Ceremony June 1 at the Brannon Center in New Smyrna Beach, FL. The event recognized newly selected participants as well as graduating high school seniors.
As proud parents, mentors and sponsors watched, 26 new students were welcomed into the program in a ceremony conducted by TSIC Leadership Council Chairman Christopher Cloudman and TSIC Student Services & Mentor Coordinator Shimene Shepard. Volusia County School Board Chairwoman Linda Cuthbert and Superintendent Dr. Scott Fritz provided their congratulations and best wishes to each of the incoming freshmen and graduating seniors. Seventh Judicial Circuit County Judge and TSIC Mentor Bryan Feigenbaum performed the induction as students and parents attested to their commitment to abide by the program’s requirements. The students will have the benefit of volunteer mentors working with them throughout their high school years, as well as the support of Ms. Shepard and College Success Coaches Wendy Feigenbaum and Carol Grogg, to ensure they successfully graduate from high school and are prepared for college.
The following students are Volusia TSIC incoming scholars for the 2021-22 school year: Narae Ivey and Justice Van Meter, Atlantic High School; Alexis Osorio and Savannah Parker at DeLand High School; Melina Camacho, Deltona High School; Diego Colon-Ruiz, Kyle Moore, and Christian Ramirez, Mainland High School; Noah Birsch, Abigail Blum, and Sean Carilli, New Smyrna Beach High School; Mackenzy Johnson, Jacob McIntyre, Aysha Poole and Thalia Rios-Diez, Pine Ridge High School; Carson Fraiser, Aaliyah Schaper, and Jiana Thomas, Seabreeze High School; Keilyn Davenport, Jada Kurk, and K’Neill McClaine, Spruce Creek High School; Jayda Baker, Lexie Ballado and Yazury Cortez, T. DeWitt Taylor Middle-High School; and Jaay-R Cook, University High School.
Sixteen members of Volusia TSIC’s Class of 2021 who are graduating from Volusia County high schools also were recognized. The following 14 students will receive a Florida Prepaid four-year college tuition scholarship: Justice Thompson, Atlantic High School; Jeremiah Birch, Eduardo Caro-Rivera, Marcus Cummings, De-terionna Padgett, and Joseph Troche, DeLand High School; Keiarre Davenport, Mainland High School; Maison Evans-Lichtigfeld, New Smyrna Beach High School; Madison Thigpen, Pine Ridge High School; Evan Williams, Seabreeze High School; Olivia Raymond and Veronia Sadek, Spruce Creek High School; and Aaron Liberti and Ryanna Noll from University High School. The following two students will receive Florida Prepaid two-year college tuition scholarships: Vintorya Mills, Atlantic High School; and Caiden Patton, Seabreeze High School.
The ceremony also included several special presentations. University High School teacher and TSIC mentor Jennifer Cherry provided insight as to her mentor experience and encouraged others to join the program. Mike Barrett was recognized as the TSIC 2021 Mentor of the Year for his dedication to mentoring two students at DeLand High School. Joseph Troche, a senior at DeLand High School, was awarded a $1,000 Arlan James Clayton Scholarship. Veronia Sadek, a senior at Spruce Creek High School, was recognized as a Leaders 4 Life Fellowship winner wherein she will receive up to $10,000 per year for the next 4 years as well as leadership opportunities. Eduardo Caro-Rivera from DeLand High School was recognized as the TSIC Outstanding Senior for his dedication to both academic success and community service.
TSIC scholars are selected in eighth grade based upon financial need, academic achievement, good character, and community involvement. Scholarships are funded through community and individual donations as well as proceeds from fundraisers presented by FUTURES, such as the Sept. 17th FUTURES Caribbean Party. FUTURES Foundation works directly with the Stanley Tate Project STARS (Scholarship Tuition For At-Risk Students) Scholarship Program, part of the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, which provides dollar-for-dollar matching funds for the purchase of scholarships. Since the Stanley Tate Project STARS Scholarship Program began, more than 15,000 scholarships have been awarded statewide to low-income students at risk of dropping out of school, and who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to attend college. Made possible through the Florida Legislature, this year Project STARS matched $147,607 locally for FUTURES’ purchase of scholarships.
Donations to purchase local TSIC scholarships are accepted throughout the year and mentors are being recruited for these new students. Anyone interested in donating towards a scholarship or volunteering as a mentor for 30 minutes each week on school campus may contact Ms. Shepard at sashepa1@volusia.k12.fl.us or 386-255-6475, ext. 50724, for additional information.
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