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FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools Receives $10,000 EmPOWER STEM Educators

FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools Receives $10,000 EmPOWER STEM Educators

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) recently awarded $10,000 to FUTURES Foundation for Volusia County Schools as part of its statewide EmPOWERing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Educators Program. The program’s goal is to increase teacher knowledge of effective math and science instructional practices that align with Florida Standards through peer-to-peer learning of best practices.

The funding will support STEM-focused teacher peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Volusia County School District STEM Specialist, Amy Monahan, will lead and oversee the work. The goal of this project is to show how effective, integrated, STEM lessons, where teachers collaborate and provide student engagement, can be successful. Last year’s cohort of teachers will become leaders for this year’s group of observers. The seasoned teachers will provide valuable feedback on effective lessons. This model provides professional development of all types of teachers who will work together to create lessons and then observe each other doing the lessons. Additional teachers will also be invited to observe the lesson, and each teacher will have a counterpart to work with to create the lesson. 

"Investments in STEM education play a pivotal role in empowering students with the knowledge and skills necessary to drive innovation, strengthen our economy and shape the future of education," Linda Webster, External Affairs Manager for FPL and FUTURES Board Member said. "These grants create a lasting impact, shaping a brighter future for all of Florida."

Pictured from left to right: Jennifer Taylor, K-12 Science Coordinator; Amy Monahan, STEM Specialist; Shimene Shepard, FUTURES Executive Director; and Linda Webster, External Affairs Manager for FPL.

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